[1] If you bought your own Microsoft Office, independently from Hiroshima University, you can skip this chapter.
Hiroshima University provides Office365 license upto 5 devices per single student, but it would be expired as soon as your graduation.
To minimize the trouble of the unexpected loss of your license, please do not overwrite your own license and keep it if you have bought it.
[2] Please open "start menu" and search "Excel" (or "Word" or "PowerPoint") icon. If you have preinstalled one, it might be pinned. If you cannot find such, please install Office365 app from Microsoft365 web page (which you have visited for Outlook and OneDrive), and return to the following process.
[3] Please open the "Excel". If your preinstalled one is provided without the license, there would be a dialog saying "This account doesn't have Office yet" or "welcome to Office". Please proceed to sign in for Office365 sign in.
[4] Please enter IMC account (including "@hiroshima-u.ac.jp") and password.
[5] Please uncheck "Allow my organization to manage...", and click "No, sign in this app only".
[6] Click "accept". You can read the license agreement from "File > Account" menu in later.check-12