[1] Let us access to the student portal "MOMIJI", login to the learning management system "Hirodai moodle" and setup MFA. By the way, you can access several online services provided by Hiroshima University.

Before starting this chapter

[2] You need your Hirodai ID(student ID) and Hirodai Password to go on this chapter.

MOMIJI: Student portal

[3] Various information for Hiroshima University students are collected into student portal, MOMIJI. Please search "Hiroshima University momiji", in web search, and visit.


[4] The web site looks like this. This is non-personal page, which is often called as "Momiji top page". There are some links at the right sides.

(*) We recommend that you add this page to Favorite of your browser.


login to "Hirodai moodle"(MFA)

[5] Click the banner "HIRODAI moodle" at right side.


[6] Click the banner "HIRODAI moodle" and goto login page.

(*) You may access "HIRODAI moodle" directly from this link.


[7] Click "Login by Hirodai ID"


[8] Input Hirodai ID(your student number) to the "User Name" box, and input your Hirodai password to the "Password" box.

(*) This login form may be skipped. This is a normal behavier, so please go on.


[9] Confirm that you can see "Dashboard" similar to this pic.check-8


setup multi-factor authentication(MFA)

[10] Click "MFA configuration guide", and you can see the top page of "MFA21" course.Please read comment sheet.


[11] Click "IMCアカウントのMFA設定" below.


[12] Click "Practice setting up MFA use of IMC accounts" below, and follow instruction to setup MFA. See PDF documents for details.check-9


[13] Click "広大IDのMFA設定" below.


[14] Click "Practice setting up MFA use of Hirodai ID" below, and follow instruction to setup MFA. See PDF documents for details.check-10



[15] Click "Web Mail" banner on the MOMIJI top page.


[16] You can see a web page https://www.media.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/services/webmail-portal/ in the media center, there is a link (a waterblue button) to https://portal.office.com/. Please visit.there.


[17] Please enter your IMC account with "@hiroshima-u.ac.jp", and password.

(*) If you are outside the campus, MFA procedures may be inserted here.


[18] Edge would ask for the permission to store your password, please choose "never". But you can cache your sign in status by "Yes" to "Stay signed in".


[19] Please click the "dots" at the upper left corneer to expand the submenu. In the expaned menu, you would find "Outlook" icon.


[20] You would be able to check the messages addressed to your email address assigned by Hiroshima University.check-11


[21] Again please click the "dots" at the upper left corner to expand the submenu. In the expanded menu, you would find "OneDrive" icon.


[22] The size of "OneDrive" for Hiroshima University students is 3TB. Please backup your important files here. It is also useful to share it with your teacher, classmates, etc in the university.


My Momiji

[23] Please click the "Login to MyMOMIJI" on the MOMIJI top page.


[24] Please enter your HIRODAI ID and password.


[25] In the first login to MyMOMIJI, you would be asked about the permission to use your statistic info gathered in Momiji, Hirodai moodle, etc by Hiroshima University (you don't have to permit). For detail, please refer the FAQ linked in the page.


[26] Here, you can register courses or view your grades. Notifications from your courses or school will be listed in "Message".check-13
