In this chaper, we explain how to connect your PC to HINET Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi network in Hiroshima Univ,).
If you can connect your PC to Internet already, you may use it now and go on next chapter. The procesure in below should be operated after April 1st, the day all related services are enabled.
When you have setup your laptop PC by following this text from chap.1 to here, you can finish this workshop by submitting the Laptop checklist from Hirodai moodle!
[1] You can connect to Wi-Fi called "HINET Wi-Fi" in shared facilities in Hiroshima University campus. Here you will set up your PC to connect to the internal network and the internet via Wi-Fi. As far as you connect to the same access point, you do not need to do this again.
[2] First of all, you need to remember that there are two IDs to use information services provided by Hiroshima University. These IDs are based on student number.
One of them is called HIRODAI ID, which looks same to student number. The other is "IMC account", which looks little bit different from student number. The first letter of student number is capital, whereas that of "IMC account" is in lowercase.
Both IDs share password. It is called "HIRODAI password". You will know it when you get your ID card.
Adding "" behind your "IMC account", you will get your email address as a student in Hiroshima University. The email address is called "HIRODAI mail address". Teachers or staffs in Hiroshima University may send emails to the email address. Check your email box frequently. You will learn how to check it in Chapter 5.
[3] Please bring your computer in the campus of Hiroshima University. Maybe your computer would be off-line, and the indicator shows the "Earth" icon instead of the wave icon. Please click it and expand the WiFi menu. Then, search "HU-CUP".
[4] If you can find HU-CUP station, please click it, and proceed to "connect" process. Please enter your IMC account (without and password. Then click "connect" again.
[5] If the button is changed as "disconnect", the connection with the WiFi in Hiroshima University succeeded.check-14
When you change your password, the cached password should be cleared. Please right-click the icon of "HU-CUP" icon, and choose "forget" menu to clear it.
[6] If you have finished to set/check your PC with Chapter 1 to
[7] Follow this link to login to Hirodai moodle by your HIRODAI ID.[8] Submit the Laptop checklist from "Laptop checklist" in "My Course tree".
[9] If you are in trouble when you use your PC, don't hesitate to make a inquiry to IMC.