[1] Check OS version of your PC, first. Right-click the Start button on the lower left of your desktop.

* "Right-click" means to press right-hand button on a computer mouse. Then, how to accomplish right-click in the case of Surface without a mouse? Tap the lower right corner of the touch pad. Or tap the screen little longer. Or press the side button of the pen and tap the screen.


[2] When Start menu appears, find "System" in the menu and click it.


[3] Look carefully at "About" page.

"Edition" entry under "Windows Specifications" tells you what kind of Windows your PC is running. In this case, your PC is running "Windows 11". And "Version" entry gives you the detailed version number of your Windows11.check-1

"System type" entry under "Device Specifications" tells you that your PC is running "64-bit operating system". It means your OS can handle 64-binary-digit data.check-2

"Installed RAM" entry tells you the capacity of the main memory in your PC. The larger the size of RAM your PC have, the more data your PC can store or the greater multi-tasking ability your PC gets.


[4] Next, Check HDD/SDD capacity of your PC. Read and write speed of HDD, Hard Disk Drive, or SSD, Solid State Drive are not as fast as those of RAM. But their capacity is larger than that of RAM. And they can keep data after shutting down your PC.

Click the File Explorer icon in the taskbar. Then click "This PC" in the left side of the window,

HDD/SSD capacity will be displayed with the label "Local Disk (C:)".
